Do you want to be an online marketer? What exactly are your strategies, how will you going to earn. There are many ways to earn money online as online marketer but some are very fast. You can make money online using Facebook – The best social media website, and third most famous website — in the world.
With billions of users In this article I will cover some information on how you can make money with Facebook. It appears to be very interesting because you use Facebook in routine. There are several ways you can use to make money using Facebook, some important of them are discussed below but first you have to grow audience if you want to earn more money from your Facebook page.
Also Read: Top 8 ways to make money online
Affiliate Marketing:
Affiliate Marketing is one of the good ways to make money from Facebook, you have to advertise/promote other’s products and for every sale you will get some commission awarded. If you have much more audience(viewers,fans) on Facebook then there are more chances that somebody will purchase the product from you and you will get paid according to their payout rates. A couple of the best websites you can go with for affiliate marketing :-
There are lots of more websites with many products to promote but it’s your decision to what things should promote? Well now I think you have some information about affiliate marketing. You can also express your Affiliate Marketing experiences in comments with us.
Paid Advertisement on Page:
You can advertise other’s page, product website, or anything for making some money. People will usually make advertising on your page if your page is very big and active. According to me,get 10000+ likes and people will start contacting you for Advertisement. You can get cash from them for every post. Below is a sample of advertising about other’s blog/website.
Using Sites like Mylikes:
If you have a big and active facebook page then you can sign up on, simply register there and share mylikes links on your Facebook page, for each one thousand hits on that link you will be paid with more than 0.85$ depend on visitors country. That is not very good, so I only suggest you to use the above 2 ways to make money from Facebook as they are the best potential ways.
Promote your Products or Services:
You can even advertise your product/services, viewers will surely buy your product or services If you are close in engaging with your viewers. You can sell anything like an E-book, Electronic product, cell phone your Facebook page and a lot more items.