A Correspondent Patuakhali: Police on Tuesday arrested four people for their alleged involvement in the looting of valuables of five tourists, including three female ones, after assaulting them near Mahipur fish port in Kalapara upazila. In another development, in-charge of Mahipur police investigation centre sub-inspector (SI) Kashem has been closed to Patuakhali Police Lines for his negligence in duty. The arrestees were identified as Khokon, Nurul Haque, Alamgir and Dulal. SI Monir Hossain, who replaced SI Kashem, told that they conducted drives in Mahipur, Hajipur, Tulatali, Alipur and other villages in the upazila and arrested the four named in the FIR on Tuesday noon. Detectives were looking for other suspects, including mastermind Sohag, son of Mahipur union parishad chairman and union Awami League president Abdul Malek Akond, he said. According to the FIR, a group of 15-16 miscreants in a trawler swooped on a tourist trawler near Mahipur fish port on November 21 and demanded Tk 50,000 from the tourists while they were returning to Kuakata sea beach. As the tourists could not give the money, they were held hostage by the attackers. The attackers forced the tourists - Champa, Liza, Nazma, Ibrahim and Mizanur -- to land on the bank of a canal near Mahipur fish port, tied their hands and legs with rope and assaulted them indiscriminately with iron rods and pipes. They looted gold ornaments, mobile phone sets and cash from the tourists. At one state, the hoodlums tried to take two of the female tourists to a nearby jungle apparently to violate them. However, locals rescued the tourists with the help of police by the time.